Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Until I hadn't met you

From my body to soul
You are imprinted everywhere
You have become my life

Since you met me,
My life and heart has become happy
My every happiness exists because of you

You are my love
My peace is due to you
I have inhabited you in my memories

Intoxication is because of you
Light headedness is because of you
I have decorated you in my dreams

Until I hadn't met you,
There was neither happiness nor grief
When I met you,
This seasons of my life changed

The Lord who is answering my prayers,is in you
Everything lacked something,but I got everything in you

Seeing you day and night, is a habit of mine
Loving you like this,is worship for me

My eyes were desert, you are a cloud full of rain
You are in my desires, I am crazy for you

You are a flowing river,while I am a drowning shore
I am sacrificed for you, you are all that I have

Since you are in my arms,My beloved,
There is a light in The shelter of my heart


Kamis, 22 September 2011

Now Look :(

now look what's happened
I'm yours and you're mine
I'm astonished, I don't know what to say
how did the moon come out in the daytime?
life seems to be awake and yet lost in a dreamworld
the heart is intoxicated with bittersweet pangs of love
how clear and shining the atmosphere is
this place we're in is filled with color
which spills from our eyes
through blue, blue clouds filters
I was unaware that such things could even happen
that love would flood me this way
this promise, this love is what's true
every other bond is false
a soft love-filled tune mingles with my breath
now look what's happened
I'm yours and you're mine
I'm astonished, I don't know what to say
how did the moon come out in the daytime?
life seems to be awake and yet lost in a dreamworld

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

hari ini ..

Memang benar “cinta itu tak harus memiliki” .. at least, aku tahu dan merasakannya hari ini, dimana cinta, sayang, harapan itu sirna seperti disapu ombak.  1 tahun8bulan kita bersama dan akhirnya kau pupuskan harapan ini untuk membangun sebuah kesatuan didalam suka dan duka. Terima kasih atas segala yang telah kau berikan. Dan, MAAFKAN  aku karena tak pernah bisa memberikan SESUATU yang berarti untukmu

DARI saya  YANG akan MENCINTAIMU sampai DETIK  nafas SAYA berakhir.for Y